In recent months, there has been much speculation about the chipset that will power Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S25 series, expected to launch in January. Initially, rumors suggested an Exynos-exclusive lineup, but two separate reports later hinted at a global rollout with only Snapdragon chips.
Now, a new rumor from South Korea confirms that Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will power the Galaxy S25, S25+, and S25 Ultra worldwide. This decision has reportedly been made to “maximize the performance” of the S25 series.
Meanwhile, the Exynos 2500 is expected to be used in the Galaxy Z Fold7 and Z Flip7, which are slated for release in the latter half of next year. This marks a notable change, as Samsung’s foldable devices have previously relied on Snapdragon chips. According to the report, this delay will give Samsung time to improve the yield and stabilize the performance of the Exynos 2500.